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Life's Purpose


Many people believe that the Christian life only involves praying, reading the Bible, and going to church. Those things are definitely important, but they missed the most important part - being a doer of the Word and not a hearer only (James 1:23). We must literally "do" what we have heard and learned from the Bible (Obviously, if you are not physically able to help others like you once were, you wouldn't be able to do some of these things for long periods of time.). If you have been saved, and you feel that the Holy Spirit is urging you to begin doing some or many of these ministries in order to help others and glorify God, then please begin to do these things. The following list has examples of things that God wants you to do (John 15:16, Ephesians 2:10, Matthew 5:16) while you are on the earth: 


1. Hand out and/or leave Gospel tracts for people to pick up in restaurants, stores, restrooms etc. allows you to make custom business cards at a low price or sometimes for free. You can have them print cards that say things such as: How to go to Heaven - Be willing "from this moment on" to quit saying, thinking, and doing what God doesn't like (Repent of your sins) and begin obeying the Bible. If you are willing to live this way, tell God that you trust Jesus' death on the cross to erase your sins.

After they ship the cards to you, you can write or type this message on the backs of the cards: - This is a Christian website that helps people who think they are a Christian know if they really are according to the Bible and helps first time seekers find the way to Heaven. There's also a link near the top of the page that has typed sermons.   


2. Help disciple new Christians - Go to this website for more information:    


3. Tell people how to become Christians at nursing homes, hospitals, restarunts, stores etc. - If there is an urgent situation, please follow the instructions in this website:   

If you feel led to witness during planned hospital and/or nursing home visits etc., please follow the instructions in this website:  

If you feel led to ask people if they are a Christian, and they say 'yes', please follow the instructions in this website:          

If you feel led to ask people if they are a Christian, and they say 'no', please follow the instructions in this website:     

If you feel led to ask people if they are a Christian, and they say they are of a different religion, please follow the instructions in this website:         


4. If you are a Christian, you can teach people the Bible (Matthew 28:19), counsel with people who are having problems (Galatians 6:2), encourage others (Hebrews 10:25), correct other believers when they sin (Galatians 6:1), and seek to bring peace among people who are mad at each other (Matthew 5:9).    


5. Sing hymns or Gospel music at nursing homes - Many nursing homes allow people to sing to those who live in nursing homes (usually in their activities room).


6. Home visits and hospital visits - When someone you know is in the hospital, nursing home, or they are in jail, you should visit or call them in order to let them know that you care about them, cheer them up, be someone they can talk to, give them advice etc. If these people aren't saved, you should definitely let them know how they can be. This website will give you an outline to help you do that - 

Or if they already claim to be a Christian, you can explain and/or give them this outline in this website -     


7. Witness by using the internet - The internet is a great place to tell other people how they can become a Christian. Please follow this website for advice on how to do that -      


8. Christian shirts and hats - At you can have custom shirts printed. For example, you can have a shirt printed that says, "If you want to become a Christian, please ask me how." If people are interested, follow the instructions in number 3 on this web page.    


9. Car magnet - You can order car magnets from  For example, you can have a large car magnet printed that says - This website helps people to know if they are really a Christian according to the Bible.        


10. Give out food to the homeless and tell them how to get saved - Follow number 3 on this web page.


11. Volunteer for food and clothing drives.


12. Volunteer at hospitals - You can contact a hospital and ask them ways you can sign up to volunteer at their hospital.


13. Water bottle and Gospel tract (see number 1 on this web page) give out - On a hot day, you can give cold water to those who are outside working, exercising, or just walking by the area.


14. Healing ministry - If you are a Christian and feel led to pray for people who are ill and have disabilities, please follow this website -     


15. Get well card and flower ministry - You can send get well cards (and other cards for different occasions) with Gospel tracts (see number 1 on this web page) inside them, flowers, and other thoughtful gifts to people.


16. Knitting ministry - If you are talented at knitting and things like that, you can give your finished products to others. 


17. Social media ministry - You can witness to others (see number 3 and 7 on this web page), give people advice who are going through trials, encourage others, advertise this church etc. on facebook and other social media websites.


18. Door to door baking ministry with Gospel tracts (see number 1 on this web page) - If you are a talented baker, you can bake deserts and other things and drop them off to people.


19. Car window wash and give Gospel tracts (see number 1 on this web page) - At places such as store parking lots, you can ask people if they would like for you to wash their windows. If they allow you to, and after you finish, you can hand them a Gospel tract.


20. Prison minisitry - You can witness to people who are in prison (see number 3 on this web page).


21. Become a Gideon - Go to for more information.


22. Become a missionary or go on mission trips - There is a lot of information and many organizations on the internet.


23. Become a pastor or evangelist and use the type of sermons and Bible teachings that are featured in this internet church. Also, you can start an internet based church like this one on your own. 


24. Build homeless shelters - If you are a talented builder and/or you are blessed financially, you can open homeless shelters.


25. Do litter clean up


26. You can invest in good/moral companies through the stock market, and you can give the money that you make to charites. A helpful website that tells people what investments are profitable is -    


27. You can mow people's lawns, rake their leaves, shovel snow from their driveways, clean their homes, run errands for them, help them shop etc. By doing these types of things for people, it will also give you an oppertunity to witness to them (see number 3 on this web page). 



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