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Every day pray that everyone you know will either become a Christian or influence others to become a Christian, and please share this online book with others -                       


Worship music - Please click the links and sing along if you know the words (You can also click skip ad to go straight to the songs) -


My copy and paste feature doesn't keep the words that are supposed to be italicized, so instead of me doing it manually, refer to a Bible to see which words are italicized. ​

The Prayer Of Jabez​​​


One of the most useful and effective prayers in the Bible is the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:10​, "And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed (God wants to bless us, and He wants us to ask Him to do so. James 4:2 declares, " have not, because ye ask not." If we want, for example, good health, the ability to understand the Bible and live the way it says to live, and to have our appliances work correctly, we should ask God to provide these.), and enlarge my coast (A very effective prayer for Christians is that they ask God to allow them to reach the people He wants them to reach in order to explain to them how they can become Christians and live the Christian lifestyle. They can also ask Him to lead them to people who need comforted and prayed for, etc.), and that thine hand might be with me (Asking the Lord to have His presence and protection with us is always a good thing.), and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! (This is similar to part of the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:13, "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:.." Asking God to protect us from being put in situations were we could be tempted to sin is very helpful. As a result, we won't be grieved when we sin after we are tempted to do so (that it may not grieve me). And God granted him that which he requested."

If you have never prayed or made a decision to become a Christian, please follow this website -


If you have prayed or made a decision to become a Christian, but you are not sure that you are really a Christian (Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 21:18-22, 1 John 5:14, and Hebrews 11:1), you need to be sure - please follow this website -

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